At the end of 2024, the performance results of Vietnam’s Open-End Funds demonstrated the effectiveness of this type of fund. On the listed stock market, the VNINDEX closed at 1266.78, up 12.1% compared to the beginning of the year. Meanwhile, most equity-based Open-End Funds showed growth far surpassing the VNINDEX. Leading the market was the VinaCapital Modern Economy Equity Investment Fund (VMEEF), which achieved the highest growth rate at 34.03%. Following closely was the SSI Sustainable Competitive Advantage Investment Fund (SSISCA), with a growth rate of 33.49%
The VinaCapital Modern Economy Equity Investment Fund topped the list with a growth rate of 34.03% in 2024.
- VMEEF 34.03%
- SSISCA 33.49%
- SSI-VLGF 29.66%
Fundflow into Open Ended Funds
In total for the year, the Open-End Fund market attracted 22,673 billion VND, with net inflows into bond funds amounting to 12,875 billion VND and 9,160 billion VND into equity funds.
Fund Investors
According to data from vnmfund, the number of investors holding fund certificates has consistently shown steady growth since the market’s inception. In 2024, the number of investors holding Open-End Fund certificates increased by over 53%, reaching 353,998 investors.
Portfolio Allocation
As of December 31, 2024, the total assets under management (NAV) of Open-End Funds were 54,392 billion VND. Of this, the value of held equities was 28,697 billion VND, accounting for 51.87%; the value of bonds was 12,784 billion VND, representing 23.11%; and cash and cash equivalents amounted to 12,386 billion VND, making up 22.39%. Notably, the cash proportion in bond funds was relatively high, with 9,839 billion VND, or 42.23% of the total portfolio.
Mutual Equity funds Performance 2024
# | code | fund_manager | fund_type | 2024 YTD growth |
1 | BMFF | MB Capital | Equity | 18.71 |
2 | BVFED | Baoviet Capital | Equity | 16.93 |
3 | BVPF | Baoviet Capital | Equity | 25.2 |
4 | DCDE | Dragon Capital | Equity | 12.37 |
5 | DCDS | Dragon Capital | Equity | 23.91 |
6 | DFVNCAF | Daiichilife FMC | Equity | 15.87 |
7 | FVEF | FIDES FMC | Equity | 12.83 |
8 | GFM-VIF | Genesis | Equity | 0 |
9 | MAFEQI | Manulife IM | Equity | 20.44 |
10 | MAFMDI | Manulife IM | Equity | 0 |
11 | MAGEF | MiraeAsset FMC | Equity | 22.92 |
12 | MBVF | MB Capital | Equity | 21.19 |
13 | PHVSF | Phuhung FMC | Equity | 15.35 |
14 | SSISCA | SSIAM | Equity | 33.49 |
15 | TBLF | SGI Capital | Equity | 18.25 |
16 | TCEF | Techcom Capital | Equity | 3.98 |
17 | TCFIN | Techcom Capital | Equity | 7.96 |
18 | TCRES | Techcom Capital | Equity | -2.59 |
19 | TCSME | Techcom Capital | Equity | -1.11 |
20 | NTPPF | NTPAM | Equity | 3.49 |
21 | UVEEF | UOBAM | Equity | 20.87 |
22 | VCBFBCF | VCBF | Equity | 27.04 |
23 | VCBFMGF | VCBF | Equity | 26.36 |
24 | VEOF | Vinacapital | Equity | 24.39 |
25 | VESAF | Vinacapital | Equity | 22.09 |
26 | VLGF | SSIAM | Equity | 29.66 |
27 | VMEEF | Vinacapital | Equity | 34.03 |
28 | VNDAF | IPAAM | Equity | 14.16 |
29 | VFMVSF | Dragon Capital | Equity | 23.64 |
30 | TCGF | ThanhCong FMC | Equity | 0 |
31 | VDEF | Vinacapital | Equity | 0 |
32 | LHCDF | Lighthouse FMC | Equity | 0 |
*Kết quả 0 là Quỹ có thời gian hoạt động dưới 1 năm (chưa đủ dữ liệu)