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    • There is insufficient data to calculate distribution channel ratio. Therefore, in this platform, we use various sources and assumptions to generate the distribution channel ratio that we believe are reliable to use. 

      1. We use information released by industry professionals when they comment about the distribution
      2. We use data from fund audited reports released every 6 months
      3. We leverage our industry knowledge and customer’s behavior that we know via various sources. 
      4. The data is refreshed every 6 months. We believe 6 months are an ideal period to set a new distribution channel trend. The insufficient data come from a group of funds whose total NAV is less than 10% of market NAV, so we believe they do not have a big impact on the overall trend.  
      5. In this platform, we define:
      • Retail investor: who has below 5,000 fund units
      • Pre-HNW investor: who has more than 5,000 but less than 10,000 fund units
      • HNW investor: who has more than 10,000 but less than 50,000 fund units
      • Pre-UHNW investor: who has more than 50,000 fund units but less than 500,000 fund units
      • UHNW and institutional investor: who has more than 500,000 fund units